Level 4 SWOT analysis :
- I feel I have a lot of enthusiasm for photography and to learn more about the photography industry.
- Because of me studying performing arts and working on a reception desk in the past I feel I have a lot of confidence with speaking to people which is a strength as I wont find it hard to speak to clients.
- Having my own studio is a strength as I can do photo shoots in there instead of relying on the Uni's studio.
- I'm very confident with computers and other technology which is always a strength as computers are a big part of digital photography.
- Although I have used Photoshop when studying for my A level in photography, I wasn't very confident with it and that was 3 years ago now and I haven't used it since.
- I'd not even heard of capture one or light room before I started here, I feel I need to learn about these programmes and extend my photoshop skills.
- Although we did use dark rooms to process some film while a college we only did it a few times, I really like the outcomes you can achieve with shooting in film so would definitely like to improve my knowledge of this.
- From talking to some level 5's I have found out that there is sometimes photo shop workshops offered, hopefully this is the case as I would benefit a lot from this!
- From the help of other class mates I have already learnt a lot of new photo shop skills so this is a very good thing!
- I find group crits are a very good opportunity to get other people opinions of your work and get tips from other people and the opportunity for this to happen is obviously here.
- Getting the chance to help out on other peoples photoshoots is a great opportunity to learn new things.
- Entering competitions are a great opportunity to get your name out into the photographic industry and Uni let us know when there are competitions being ran.
- Working alongside other people that are wanting to make a career in photography is obviously competition but I just have to find a way to make myself different and stand out.
- Photographic equipment is expensive, I'm going to need to get a part time job to afford certain things I want/need to progress.
- At the minute the thing that is holding me back is my lack of knowledge in photo shop, hopefully this can become a strength as I learn more about it.
Level 5 SWOT analyis:
- I still have lots of enthusiasm to learn more about photography and I also now have a lot of enthusiasm to finish my course and start working free lance.
- My confidence has rose higher and higher because of working with new clients and organising shoots, Im really thankful of having this confidence as it will help me a lot in the future.
- I still have my own studio and although I use the Colleges studios as much as possible to do my college work, I am getting freelance work and using my own studio to get even more experience.
- Although I was technology confident in first year I feel after completing that year I know a lot more about the programmes I need to use to progress.
- My time management has improved a hell of a lot since completing first year, not only getting work completed on time for deadlines but also getting photos all edited in a reasonable enough time for clients.
- I became student rep of my class at the beginning of last year, I wasnt sure what that role entailed but I got voted to be it anyway. I'm so glad I became it as it has made me much more level headed and I now know im approachable by other class mates, which is where the leader strength comes in, being a student rep has given me the confidence to know I am a good leader but also a brilliant team player as well.
- My photoshop skills have improved massively and I feel confident enough to sit and edit a full shoot of photos without the help of others.
- I'm also now Capture One confident and love being able to shoot my shoots tethered using Capture One.
- Thankfully Photoshop and Capture One are now not my weaknesses but I am still left with Lightroom as a weakness, I don't actually see this as bad thing though as I am simply not interested in learning any more than the simple things about it as I know I wont be using it in the future.
- After completing first year I noticed I need to be a lot more careful with my money management, as much as I want a new camera or a new piece of equipment I need to realise I can go blowing all my money on it and I need to save up for it.
- It's brilliant being able to have 20/30 other peoples help on your projects and I know that when I leave college that I will 100% miss having the help of my other classmates and having their oppinions on my images.
- Now that I feel confident in my own work and my own shoots, it's nice to have people ask me if they can assist my shoot, it takes a lot of the weight off.
- Now that I have added so much knowledge of photography to my self I can now start looking at the job opportunities for the future.
- I still have the same two threats as I did in first year, this is because they still stand. There is always going to be the threat of other competition as of now I haven't found what makes me different to the other people in my class other than that I have my own studio and after finding that money management is one of my weaknesses the funding has never looked like more of a threat to me.
After looking and comparing my SWOT's I feel I have come such a long way since first year, I feel these work really well into looking at what you need to change about yourself and I feel I will use these in the future.
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